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Activity Season 31: The Turning Tide!

02 Febrero 2025


Dive into thrilling adventures across the vast realm of Arinar and make the frosty days of February unforgettable! Get ready to challenge lurking monsters, prove your heroism, and earn exclusive rewards in the brand-new Activity Season coming soon!

The Activity Center is packed with daily and weekly missions, carefully designed to match your character's level. Remember that daily missions will reset at 23:00 CET each day, and any progress made on incomplete missions will be lost. This also applies to weekly missions, which reset every Sunday at 23:00 CET.

Extraordinary rewards await brave adventurers this season! Among the treasures are the
mystical Demon costume, the incredible Star Guide skill, unique minions, useful buffs, new exclusive smileys, and festival hairstyles! You'll also find reputation boosts with the Elders of the Adventurer's and Assassin's Guild, additional storage slots, Signs of Imperishability, keys to Pirate and Tribal Chests, and much more – including the legendary Chest of Impunity!

Inside these chests, you'll find:


  • Book of Second Chance
  • Book of Underground Speed

Book of Second Chance
Immediately resurrects the character's minion and applies Invulnerability to it for 10 sec once per lifetime. An extra life is indicated by the icon next to the minion's health/energy bar.

Book of Underground Speed
Increases the character's movement speed in dungeons by 10%.


  • Black Troll Costume
  • Blue Troll Costume
  • Green Troll Costume
  • Red Troll Costume
  • Purple Troll Costume
  • Pink Troll Costume

Eternal Forest and Cursed Lands Decorative Skins

Unique Empowering Relics

  • Icy Relic of Intractability
  • Magic Relic of Resilience
  • Terrible Relic of Control

Icy Relic of Intractability
Adds 40% to the skill's effect when used under Rage.

Magic Relic of Resilience
Adds 40% to the skill's effect when the character's health drops below 30% of maximum health.

Terrible Relic of Control
Increases the duration of the skill's effect by 25% with a chance equal to Health Steal.

And also:

  • Great Gladiator's, Unity, and Experience Elixirs
  • Special Battle Scrolls
  • Powerful Potions
  • Precious Bars

Star Guide Skill
Embrace a mystical symbol of serenity and caution, allowing you to roam Arinar with a unique blend of grace, finesse, and agility. Cannot be used in guild events, sieges, Arenas, and underwater. Available until the end of the Activity Season.

For all those looking to pack their loot bags with some valuable items,
be sure to activate the Battle Pass! It unlocks a range of unique trophies and many other perks:

  • More daily and weekly mission slots
  • Quick access to the Personal and Guild Storage
  • Free hairstyle changes at the Personal Hairdresser
  • Personal Knowledge Bank

On top of that, once you have redeemed all of your season rewards, the Battle Pass will unlock an additional reward slot containing a Chest of Impunity for every 40 points earned! Best of all, you can redeem this chest over and over again until the end of the season!

Also, don't miss out on the opportunity to gift the Battle Pass to any character level 6 or higher within your Alliance and game realm! Try it out right from the Activity Center!

The new Activity Season begins on February 2, 23:00 CET, and lasts through March 16, 23:00 CET.

See you in the game!
The Warspear Online Team