Don't miss out on the festival fever that is sweeping through all of Arinar! Jump into the next chapter of the World Creation Legends now, because adventure never waits around!
Level 18 and 20 Armor: Berengar's Tower
Level 22 Armor: Rotting Garden
Level 24 Armor: Termitary
Level 26 Armor: Seasons Tree
Level 28 Armor: Technopolis
Level 30 Armor: Champions Coliseum, Sea Tramps' Lair, Codex Servants' Catacombs
Level 32 Armor: Ancient God's Temple, Sea Tramps' Lair, Codex Servants' Catacombs, Mermen Sanctuary
Event duration: 22.07 13:00 CEST – 29.07 12:00 CEST
Be sure to enter the Holiday Weekly Ratings Tournament with 50 winning spots! Rank high in the Completed Mythic Dungeons rating to win great prizes:
Rank 1: Book of Enhanced Piercing Attack and Chronicle Cache x100
Rank 2: Book of Enhanced Piercing Attack and Chronicle Cache x50
Rank 3: Book of Enhanced Piercing Attack and Chronicle Cache x25
Ranks 4-10: Chronicle Cache x20
Ranks 11-20: Chronicle Cache x10
Ranks 21-50: Chronicle Cache x5
Tournament duration: 22.07 00:00 CEST – 29.07 00:00 CEST
There's even more! Heroes of Arinar, prepare for the Ancient Chronicles – World Creation holiday guild tournament, complete with themed rewards! Work hard to gain Knowledge and remain loyal to your guild until the tournament ends to claim your prize! Check out the Activity Center for a complete list of tournament rewards!
Tournament duration: 22.07 00:00 CEST – 29.07 00:00 CEST
See you in the game!
The Warspear Online Team